Thanks for the article! Do you have any tips on how to prevent elbow tendonitis? It seems to be a fairly common issue among folks who are overzealous with their pull-up volume. I know that the Flexbar is praised as a good rehab and prevention tool, but maybe some free weight exercises are good for this too?
Garage Gym BroCreator
I like doing pronated wrist curls, supinated wrist curls, and hammer rotations for elbow tendinitis. Ironically, these are my 3 most frequent forearm exercises. Pronated wrist curls strengthen the extensors which is helpful because usually elbow pain from pullups is on the inside (golfers elbow) and a result from too much flexion and not enough extension leading to imbalance and pain. Supinated wrist curls help by getting blood flow into the area. And then hammer rotations too it off and seem to be extremely helpful. Here's a video of what I mean by hammer rotations:
Thanks for the article! Do you have any tips on how to prevent elbow tendonitis? It seems to be a fairly common issue among folks who are overzealous with their pull-up volume. I know that the Flexbar is praised as a good rehab and prevention tool, but maybe some free weight exercises are good for this too?
I like doing pronated wrist curls, supinated wrist curls, and hammer rotations for elbow tendinitis. Ironically, these are my 3 most frequent forearm exercises. Pronated wrist curls strengthen the extensors which is helpful because usually elbow pain from pullups is on the inside (golfers elbow) and a result from too much flexion and not enough extension leading to imbalance and pain. Supinated wrist curls help by getting blood flow into the area. And then hammer rotations too it off and seem to be extremely helpful. Here's a video of what I mean by hammer rotations:
Thank you, this is very helpful!